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田雪原文集(全5册) 4 经济管理类;文集;人口学;人口学;人口学 VIP

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田雪原   社会科学文献出版社  2018-07 出版


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[1][1]《坚持改革、开放、搞活——十一届三中全会以来有关重要文献摘编》,人民出版社,1987。 [2][2]《邓小平文选》第3卷,人民出版社,1993。 [3][3]卢希悦、刘能坚主编《社会主义市场经济理论》,中国财政经济出版社,1994。 [4][4]宋健主编《现代科学技术基础知识》,科学出版社、中共中央党校出版社,1994。 [5][5]刘国光、汝信主编《有中国特色的社会主义》,中国社会科学出版社,1993。 [6][6]《田雪原文集》,中国经济出版社,1991;《田雪原文集》(二),中国经济出版社,1995。 [7][7]李竟能主编《当代西方人口学论》,山西人民出版社,1992。 [8][8]彭松建编著《西方人口经济学概论》,北京大学出版社,1987。 [9][9]H.Leibenstein,A Theory of Economic Demographic Development,Princeton University Press,1954,U.S.A. [10][10]G.S.Becker,An Economic Analysis of Fertility,Princeton University Press,1960,U.S.A. [11][11]Harvey Leibestein:Population Growth and Economic Development in the Third World,International Union for the Scientific Study of Population. 1973. [12][12]Gary S.Becker:“An Economic Analysis of Fertility”,in Demographics and Economics in Developed Countries,Princeton University Press,1960. [13][13]JulianL.Simon:Population Growth Economies,Beijing University Press,1984. [14][14]Peng Songnian:An Introduction to Western Population Economics,1987. 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[52][52]Liu Guoguang and some others,“Report on Further Effective Control over Population Growth in China” in The Economic Reform and Development in the 80s in China,Economic Management Publishing House,1991. [53][53]Tian Xueyuan,“On the Child Cost-Utility Theory and Population Control”,in Collected Works of Tian Xueyuan,China Economy Publishing House,1991. [54][54]Peng Songjian,Introduction to Population Economics in the West,Beijing University Press,1987. [55][55]Li Jingeng(chief editor),Contemporary Population Theories In the West,Shanxi People’s Publishing House,1992. [56][56]Tian Xueyuan(chief-editor)and Zhong Kan and Xu Gailing (deputy chief-editors),The Theory and Practice of the Only One Child and the Parents Old Age Support Insurance,Sichuan University Press,1992. [57][57]Jiang Yiman(chirf editor)and Zhu Huizhu,Peng Xizhe,Zhu Yuncheng,Chen jian and Qian Rusheng(deputy chief-editors),Out of the Marshland—The Origin and Countermeasures for More Fertilities,Meterology Publishing House,1993.



