




黄璜 ,博士,中国旅游研究院(文化和旅游部数据中心)副研究员,主要研究方向为国内旅游、全域旅游、国民休闲。

参考文献 查看全部 ↓
  • Braun,Bradley M.,James A.Xander,and Kenneth R.White,“The Impact of the Cruise Industry on a Region’s Economy:a Case Study of Port Canaveral,Florida,” Tourism Economics,8(3):281-288.2002.
  • Brida,Juan Gabriel,and Sandra Zapata,“Economic Impacts of Cruise Tourism:The Case of Costa Rica,” Anatolia:An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research,21(2):322-338.2010.
  • Chase,Gregory L.,and David L.McKee,“The Economic Impact of Cruise Tourism on Jamaica,” The Journal of Tourism Studies,14(2):16-22.2003.
  • Chase,Gregory,and Ilan Alon,“Evaluating the Economic Impact of Cruise Tourism:A Case Study of Barbados,” Anatolia:An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research,13(1):5-18.2002.
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  • CLIA,The Global Economic Contribution of Cruise Tourism 2013,Exton,PA:Business Research & Economic Advisors,2014b.
  • Dwyer,Larry,and Peter Forsyth,“Economic Impacts of Cruise Tourism in Australia,” The Journal of Tourism Studies,7(2):36-43.1996.
  • Dwyer,Larry,and Peter Forsyth,“Economic Significance Of Cruise Tourism,” Annals of Tourism Research,25(2):393-415.1998.
  • Dwyer,Larry,and Peter Forsyth. eds,International Handbook on the Economics of Tourism,Cheltenham:Edward Elgar,2006.
  • Greater Victoria Harbour Authority,The Economic Contribution of Cruise Tourism in Victoria 2012,Exton,PA:Business Research & Economic Advisors,2013.
  • Hawaii DBEDT,2002 and 2003 Hawaii Cruise Industry Impact Study,Honolulu:Hawaii DBEDT,2004.
  • London Development Agency,An Assessment of Current and Future Cruise Ship Requirements in London,London:LDA,2009.
  • Mescon,Timothy S.,and George S.Vozikis,“The Economic Impact of Tourism at the Port of Miami,” Annals of Tourism Research,12(4):515-528,1985.
  • NYCruise,NYCruise 2013 Economic Impact Study,New York:NYCruise,2014.
  • Papathanassis,Alexis,Tihomir Lukovic,and Michael Vogel. eds,Cruise Tourism and Society:A Socio-Economic Perspective,Berlin:Springer,2012.
  • Port of Los Angeles,Cruise Market Demand Evaluation Study 2009,Los Angeles:Port of Los Angeles,2009.
  • Smeral,Egon,“Tourism Satellite Accounts:A Critical Assessment,” Journal of Travel Research,45(1):92-98.2006.
  • Stabler,Mike J.,Andreas Papatheodorou,and M.Thea Sinclair,The Economics of Tourism,Second Edition.Oxford:Routledge,2010.
  • UNWTO,Cruise Tourism - Current Situation and Trends,Madrid:UNWTO,2010.
  • Van Balen,M.,M.Dooms,and E.Haezendonck,The Economic Impact of River Tourism on Ports:The Case of Brussels,Paper presented at International Association of Maritime Economists(IAME)Conference,Taipei,5-8 September 2012.
  • Vanhove,Norbert,The Economics of Tourism Destinations,Second Edition. London:Elsevier,2011.
  • Worley,Thomas,and Greg Akehurst,Economic Impact of the New Zealand Cruise Sector,Auckland:Cruise New Zealand,2013.
  • Wright,Araceli,The Economic Impact of Cruise Ports:The Case of Miami,Geneva:UNCTAD,2001.
  • WTTC.2014 WTTC/Oxford Economics Travel & Tourism Economic Impact Research,London:WTTC,2014.
  • 国家统计局国民经济核算司:《2007中国地区投入产出表》,中国统计出版社,2011。
  • 国家旅游局政策法规司:《旅游抽样调查(2014)》,中国旅游出版社,2014。
  • 上海市统计局等:《上海统计年鉴2014》,中国统计出版社,2014。


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  • 一 邮轮经济贡献度评价理论述评
    1. (一)邮轮经济贡献度的理论内涵
      1. 1.邮轮经济的特点
      2. 2.邮轮经济贡献度的时空边界
      3. 3.邮轮经济的生产替代效应
      4. 4.邮轮经济的乘数效应
    2. (二)邮轮经济贡献度评价数据获取方法
      1. 1.经济社会背景数据
      2. 2.邮轮旅游者消费
      3. 3.邮轮船员消费
      4. 4.邮轮企业运营费用
      5. 5.邮轮企业管理费用
      6. 6.邮轮相关固定资产投资
      7. 7.邮轮相关基础设施和公共服务
    3. (三)邮轮直接经济贡献度评价方法
      1. 1.邮轮旅游直接消费
      2. 2.邮轮产业增加值
    4. (四)邮轮总和经济贡献度评价方法
      1. 1.凯恩斯模型
      2. 2.投入产出模型
      3. 3.CGE模型
  • 二 上海邮轮经济贡献度评价体系
    1. (一)上海邮轮经济发展特点和趋势
      1. 1.邮轮旅游者结构多元化
      2. 2.邮轮船供产业受到重视
      3. 3.邮轮服务领域逐步拓宽
      4. 4.邮轮总部经济开始显现
      5. 5.邮轮周边产业快速发展
      6. 6.本土邮轮产业取得突破
      7. 7.邮轮公共服务更加完善
      8. 8.带动城市旅游能力增强
    2. (二)上海邮轮经济贡献来源结构
      1. 1.邮轮旅游者消费
      2. 2.邮轮船员消费
      3. 3.邮轮企业运营费用
      4. 4.邮轮企业管理费用
      5. 5.固定资产投资
      6. 6.基础设施和公共服务
    3. (三)上海邮轮经济贡献度评价数据获取方法
    4. (四)上海邮轮经济贡献度评价指标体系
      1. 1.上海邮轮经济贡献度评价技术路线
      2. 2.上海邮轮经济贡献度评价指标
      3. 3.上海邮轮直接经济贡献度指标计算方法
      4. 4.上海邮轮总和经济贡献度指标计算方法
    5. (五)小结

