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  • Lichtenberg,Judit von [Judit Láng]. Visszaemlékezések 1945-re [Memories of 1945]. Analekta 11.579.
  • Ney,Klára Mária. Budavár Ostroma [The siege of the Buda Castle district],Analekta 12.172.
  • Rácz Pálné Újfalussy,Klára. Naplóm [My diary].Ⅴ.139/57/95.
  • Szuly,Gyula. A “Háttér a vár” háttere [The background to “The background is the Castle district”].Fol.Hung.3568.
  • Szép,Anna. Feljegyzések Szép Ernőről [Notes about Ernő Szép]. Fond 81/820.
  • Tonelli,Sándor. Budapest szörnyű nupjai:Az ostrom története 1944 október-1945. május [The terrible days of Budapest:The history of the siege,October 1944-May 1945].OSZK,Fol.Hung.
  • Tonelli,Sándor. Az ostrom története:Emlékek [The history of the siege:Memories]. Canada before 1950,Fol.Hung.3629.
  • Újfalussy Lászlóné Murányi,Klára. Napló:Budapest-Nyiregyháza. 1944.december 24-1945.május 7 [Diary:Budapest-Nyiregyháza,24 December 1944-7 May 1945]. QH 3171.
  • Anon.An unknown student’s memoir of the break-out and escape.Dénes Vass collection.
  • Billnitzer,Ernő. Memoir. Sándor Tóth collection.
  • Bolyos,Rezső Ákos P. Pálosok magyarországon a ⅩⅩ. század első felében [Pauline friars in Hungary in the first half of the twentieth century].
  • Csongrádi,András(Budapest resident). Letter.
  • Dalmy,Tibor(Budapest resident). Letter.
  • Dávid,András.Notes.
  • Dema,Andor(1st Armored Division). Manuscript.
  • Esterházy,Kázmérné.Diary.
  • Farkas,Erik.Diary.
  • Friedrich,Helmut. Wanderer zwischen Krieg und Frieden [A wanderer between war and peace]. Manuscript.
  • Galántay,Ervin. Boy Soldier:Five Days in the Life of a Dispatch-Runner:Excerpts from the Defense of Budapest,1944-45. Self-published.
  • Galántay,Ervin.Letters to the author.
  • Garád,Róbert(assault artillery first lieutenant). Memories of the 7th Assault Artillery Detachment’s Battles and Break-out.
  • Gödry,Ernő.Notes of the former commander of the 153rd Bicycle Pioneer Company.
  • Gömöri,György. Budapest ostroma(napló) [The siege of Budapest(Diary)].
  • Hanák,Sándor(captain,commander of 10th Infantry-Artillery Battalion). Report no. 6 about the fighting at Baracska on 8-9 December 1944.
  • Herbert,Jakob(8th SS Cavalry Division Florian Geyer). Memoir.
  • Hingyi,László. Nyilas Hungarista pártszolgálatosok bevetései a budapesti harcokban [The deployment of Arrow Cross Hungarist Party militiamen in the fighting in Budapest]. Manuscript.
  • Klein,Erich.Contribution to Das Soldaten-Jahrbuch [The soldiers’yearbook]. Manuscript.
  • Kovács,Ferenc Ⅹ. Villanások [Flashes]. Manuscript.
  • Litteráti-Lóotz,Gyula.Letter to Péter Gosztonyi.
  • Lukács,Gyula. A pokol stációi:Emlékirat a Ⅱ. Világháborúból [The stations of hell:Memoir from the Second World War]. Manuscript(by courtesy of Mrs Ernőné Lakatos).
  • Major,Norbert. A 102,fogatolt vegyiharczászlóalj Buda várának védelmében [The 102nd Horse-Drawn Chemical Warfare Battalion in the defense of Buda Castle]. Manuscript.
  • Monspart,Gábor(hussar colonel). Memoir.
  • M.v.K.önkéntes ápolónő visszemlékezése a Sziklakórházban töltött időkre [Voluntary nurse M.v.K.’s memories of her times in the Rock Hospital]. Manuscript(Dénes Vass collection).
  • Ney,Klára Mária. Budapest ostroma [The siege of Budapest]. Manuscript.
  • Nyiredy,Szabolcs(private). Memoir.
  • Portugall,Kurt(Hauptsturmführer antiaircraft battalion commander,8th SS Cavalry Division Florian Geyer). Memoir.
  • Schlosser,Franz(8th SS Cavalry Division Florian Geyer). Memoir.
  • Schöning,Wilhelm(reserve lieutenant-colonel,13th Panzer Division). Documents,notes,and contemporary maps.
  • Schreiner,János.Diary.
  • Schweitzer,Ernst.Report of 26 February 1945 on the engagements of the 13th Panzer Division and the break-out.Manuscript.
  • Seidl,Marietta. Ostrom [Siege]. Manuscript.
  • Sipeki,Balás,Lajos. 1945.január 1-i Mikó-Bondor akció története [The history of the Mikó-Bondor action of 1 January 1945]. Manuscript.
  • Szirtes,Tibor. Három hónapom a székesfővárosi autóbuszüzemben:1944-1945 [My three months with the bus company in the capital,1944-1945]. Manuscript.
  • Teske,Hans Georg(8th SS Cavalry Division Florian Geyer). Memoir.
  • Tomka,Emil. A szentesi M.Kir “Árpád feldjedem 2/Ⅰ.honvéd huszárosztály hurctéri naplója 1944-1945 [Battlefield diary of the Royal Hungarian “Prince Árpád” 2/Ⅰ Honvéd Hussar Battalion,1944-1945].
  • Válas,György.Letter.
  • Vályi,Lajos(1st Assault Artillery Detachment). Memoir.
  • Varga,József. Átélt események 1944.december 23.és 28.között [Events experienced between 23 and 28 December 1944]. Manuscript.
  • Városy,Péter(1st Assault Artillery Detachment). Memoir.
  • Vass,Dénes. Egyetemisták az ostromgyűrűben:Az Ⅰ.Honvéd Egyetemi Rohamzászlóalj története [University students in the encirclement:The history of the Ⅰ Honvéd University Assault Battalion]. Manuscript.
  • Wachter,Hans-Otto(8th SS Cavalry Division Florian Geyer). Memoir.
  • Aczél,Ferenc(Budapest resident)
  • Alberz,Péter(271st Volksgrenadier Division)
  • André,Dr.László(deputy commissioner,Galántai Gendarmerie Battalion)
  • Antalóczy,Mrs.Tibor(Budapest resident)
  • Árvay,Rezső(University Assault Battalion)
  • Baki,József(researcher)
  • Baló,Zoltán(second lieutenant,1st Armored Division)
  • Barabás,Béla(captain,head of operational section,1st Armored Division)
  • Baranyi,László(University Assault Battalion)
  • Baross,Dénes(first lieutenant,4th Hussar Regiment)
  • Baróthy,Miklós(captain,1st Armored Division)
  • Bartha,Endre(KISKA)
  • Bartha,István(second lieutenant,101st Military Police Company)
  • Baumgart,Leo-Franz(241st Flaksturmregiment)
  • Benefi,Géza(Budapest resident)
  • Benyovszky,Győző(captain,chief of staff,10th Infantry Division)
  • Berend,Károly(captain,Berend Group)
  • Betzler,Wolfgang(lieutenant,diarist of Ⅸ SS Mountain Army Corps)
  • Bierwirth,Willibald(Feldherrnhalle Panzergrenadier Division)
  • Bődy,Oszkár(Morlin Group)
  • Boosfeld,Joachim(SS Hauptsturmführer,Florian Geyer 8th SS Cavalry Division)
  • Böttcher,Heinz(captain,13th Panzer Division)
  • Csány,Balázs(lieutenant,16th Assault Artillery Detachment)
  • Csipkés,Ernő,Jr.(Budapest resident)
  • Csongrády,András(Budapest resident)
  • Czagány,József(Prónay commandos)
  • Czeczidlowszky,Béla(lieutenant,40th Artillery Detachment)
  • Dalmy,Tibor(Budapest resident)
  • Deseő,László(Budapest resident)
  • Dobay,Pál(forester and researcher)
  • Emmerich,Wolfgang(son of survivor)
  • Entzmann,Martin(Maria Theresia 22nd SS Cavalry Division)
  • Finger,Johannes(Florian Geyer 8th SS Cavalry Division)
  • Finta,József(Budapest resident)
  • Friedrich,Helmut(captain,13th Panzer Division)
  • Galántay,Ervin(Vannay Battalion)
  • Geiss,Erhard(13th Panzer Division)
  • Gencsy,Tibor(lieutenant,4th Hussar Regiment)
  • Gencsy Tiborné Hellenbach,Klotild(Budapest resident)
  • Grelle,Martin(13th Panzer Division)
  • Hanák,Sándor(captain,10th Assault Artillery Detachment)
  • Haraszti,István(Budapest resident)
  • Héjj,Ervin(Budapest resident)
  • Hellenbronth,Gusztáv(commander,Ⅱ Budapest Assault Battalion)
  • Hermándy,Iván(first lieutenant,1st Armored Division)
  • Hernády,Béla(captain,1st Armored Division)
  • Hingyi,László(researcher)
  • Horváth,Dr.Lóránd(Budapest resident)
  • Irmay,Ferenc(general staff captain,head of operational section,12th Reserve Division)
  • Jerezian,Ara(Arrow Cross deputy district commander,rescuer of Jews)
  • John,Adolf(SS Unterscharführer,Florian Geyer 8th SS Cavalry Division)
  • Joó,Oszkár(12th Reserve Division)
  • Kákosy,Dr.László(Budapest resident)
  • Kamocsay,Gyula(Honvéd,train group)
  • Kaszás,István(first lieutenant,1st Armored Division)
  • Katona,Dr.Tamás(historian)
  • Keller,Ernst(corporal,Feldherrnhalle Panzergrenadier Division)
  • Kerekes,Medárd(University Assault Battalion)
  • Kézdi-Beck,Géza(Budapest resident)
  • Klein,Andreas(22nd Cavalry Division)
  • Klein,Erich(captain,Feldherrnhalle Panzergrenadier Division)
  • Klein,Michael(SS Unterscharführer,Maria Theresia 22nd SS Cavalry Division)
  • Kohánszky,Béláné(Budapest resident)
  • Kokovay,Gyula(cadet,University Assault Battalion)
  • Kovács,Ferenc Ⅹ.(general staff captain,head of operations,Ⅰ Army Corps)
  • Kovács,Ferencné(Budapest resident,wife of Ferenc Ⅹ. Kovács)
  • Kováts,László(201/2 Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion)
  • Kövendi,Dénes(Budapest resident)
  • Kükedi,József(Budapest resident)
  • Kurdi,József(10th Infantry Division)
  • Kutscher,Otto(13th Panzer Division)
  • Lakatos,Ernőné(Budapest resident)
  • Lám,Béla(first lieutenant,Galántai Gendarmerie Battalion)
  • Lénárt,Lajos(ensign,16th Assault Artillery Detachment)
  • Létay,Gyula(captain,10th Division,Buda Volunteer Regiment)
  • Linkowski,Alfred(8th SS Cavalry Division)
  • Lőrincz,András(University Assault Battalion)
  • Maczkovits,István(Budapest resident)
  • Major,Norbert(ensign,101st Horse-Drawn Chemical Warfare Battalion)
  • Mányoky,István(first lieutenant,1st Assault Artillery Battalion)
  • Marthy,Dr.János(local historian)
  • Martin,Kornél(ensign,Szent László Reserve Division)
  • Máté,József(local historian)
  • M.K.,Mrs.(Budapest resident)
  • Mucsy,Iván(Morlin Group)
  • Nádasdi,Richard(Budapest resident)
  • Neuburg,Pál(former Budapest resident)
  • Ney,Klára(Budapest resident)
  • Nyárády,Gábor(1st Armored Division)
  • Nyárády,Richárd(Budapest resident)
  • Paál,Zoltán(Budapest resident)
  • Pataki,László(Budapest resident)
  • Pintér,Géza(lieutenant,Antiaircraft Group Buda South)
  • Prach,Hans(4th Assault Pioneer Company)
  • Prágay,Dezső(University Assault Battalion)
  • Rácz,Ernő(Budapest resident)
  • Rádi,Mrs.László(Budapest Resident)
  • Ringhoffer,Josef(Maria Theresia 22nd SS Cavalry Division)
  • Rüblein,Richárd(a.k.a.Szuly,Gyula;Vannay Battalion)
  • Ruszti,György(Budapest resident)
  • Safáry,Endre(general staff captain)
  • Salamon,Aurél(lieutenant,military hospital commander,4th Hussar Regiment,later Buda Volunteer Regiment)
  • Salfay,István(Budapest resident)
  • Sasvári,Endre(researcher)
  • Schäffer,Georg(Maria Theresia 22nd SS Cavalry Division)
  • Schönfeld,Rolf(5th SS Panzer Division)
  • Schweitzer,Ernst(first lieutenant,diarist 13th Panzer Division)
  • Seidl,Gábor(Budapest resident)
  • Seidl,Marietta(Budapest resident)
  • Sélley-Rauscher,Aurél(captain,25th Assault Artillery Detachment)
  • Solt,Pál(general staff captain,chief quartermaster,12th Reserve Division)
  • Spanberger,Maria(Dorog resident)
  • Stanley,László(Budapest resident)
  • Sulyánszky,Jenő(cadet)
  • Sulzer,Michael(Ⅸ SS Mountain Army Corps)
  • Szablya,János(Budapest resident)
  • Szabó,Dr.László(cadet,25th Assault Artillery Detachment)
  • Szántay,Lajos(University Assault Battalion)
  • Szentendrei,László(first lieutenant,10 Infantry Division,Feldherrnhalle Panzergrenadier Division)
  • Sztrilich,György(researcher)
  • Takács,János(private,University Assault Battalion)
  • Tasnádi,Frigyes(Maria Theresia 22nd SS Cavalry Division)
  • Tesszáry,Zoltán(lieutenant,1st Armored Division)
  • Tomcsányi,Ágnes(Budapest resident)
  • Toperczer,Oszkár(captain,1st Armored Division,researcher)
  • Török,László(first lieutenant,Guard Battalion)
  • Tóth,Sándor(Budapest resident)
  • Ungváry,Gerő(12th Reserve Division)
  • Ungváry,József(Morlin Group)
  • Vadász,Sándor(university professor)
  • Vajna,Edéné(Budapest resident)
  • Válas,György(Budapest resident)
  • Vályi,Dr.Lajos(ensign,1st Assault Artillery Detachment)
  • Városy,Péter(cadet,sergeant,1st Assault Artillery Battalion)
  • Vass,Dénes(private,University Assault Battalion)
  • Vasvári,Tibor(lieutenant,Viharos Group)
  • Wáczek,Frigyes(general staff captain,chief of staff,1st Armored Division)
  • Wohltman,Willi(first lieutenant,13th Panzer Division)
  • Wolff,Helmuth(lieutenant-colonel,Feldherrnhalle Panzergrenadier Division)
  • Závori,Lajos(lieutenant,Ⅰ Army Corps)
  • Zeisler,Erwin(13th Panzer Division)
  • Zsohár,György(Maria Theresia 22nd SS Cavalry Division)
  • Zwack,Peter,Jr.(researcher)


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