




陈浩 ,南开大学社会心理学系副教授,中山大学广州粤港澳社会心理建设研究中心研究员。
洪斌 ,南开大学社会心理学系硕士研究生。
赖凯声 ,暨南大学新闻与传播学院教授,主要研究方向为网络社会治理、传播心理学、大数据舆情。

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  • 赖凯声、陈浩,2020,《亲和性假说:区域人格影响健康的大数据分析》,暨南大学出版社。
  • Allik,J.,& McCrae,R.R.(2004). Toward a geography of personality traits. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology,35(1),13-28.
  • Anglim,J.,Horwood,S.,Smillie,L.D.,Marrero,R.J.,& Wood,J.K.(2020). Predicting psychological and subjective well-being from personality:A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin,146(4),279-323.
  • Bernerth,J.B.,Taylor,S.G.,Walker,H.J.,& Whitman,D.S.(2012). An empirical investigation of dispositional antecedents and performance-related outcomes of credit scores. Journal of Applied Psychology,97(2),469-478.
  • Blake,K.R.,Bastian,B.,Denson,T.F.,Grosjean,P.,& Brooks,R.C.(2018). Income inequality not gender inequality positively covaries with female sexualization on social media. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,115(35),8722-8727.
  • Booth-Kewley,S.,& Vickers,R.R.(1994). Associations between major domains of personality and health behavior. Journal of Personality,62(3),281-298.
  • Brown,S.L.,& Brown,R.M.(2015). Connecting prosocial behavior to improved physical health:Contributions from the neurobiology of parenting. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews,55,1-17.
  • Buss,A.H.,Plomin,R.,& Willerman,L.(1973). The inheritance of temperaments. Journal of Personality,41(4),513-524.
  • Buttrick,N.R.,& Oishi,S.(2017). The psychological consequences of income inequality. Social and Personality Psychology Compass,11(3),e12304.
  • Caplan,R.D.(1987). Person-environment fit theory and organizations:Commensurate dimensions,time perspectives,and mechanisms. Journal of Vocational Behavior,31(3),248-267.
  • Caprara,G.V.,Alessandri,G.,Di Giunta,L.,Panerai,L.,& Eisenberg,N.(2010). The contribution of agreeableness and self-efficacy beliefs to prosociality. European Journal of Personality,24(1),36-55.
  • Chapman,B.P.,& Elliot,A.J.(2019). How short is too short?An ultra-brief measure of the big-five personality domains implicates “agreeableness” as a risk for all-cause mortality. Journal of Health Psychology,24(11),1568-1573.
  • Chen,H.,Lai,K.,He,L.,& Yu,R.(2020). Where you are is who you are?The geographical account of psychological phenomena. Frontiers in Psychology,11,536.
  • Cheung,F.,& Lucas,R.E.(2016). Income inequality is associated with stronger social comparison effects:The effect of relative income on life satisfaction. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,110(2),332-341.
  • Cingano,F.(2014). Trends in income inequality and its impact on economic growth. In OECD Social,Employment,and Migration Working Papers,163.
  • Costa,P.T.,McCrae,R.R.,& Dye,D.A.(1991). Facet scales for agreeableness and conscientiousness:A revision of the NEO Personality Inventory. Personality and Individual Differences,12(9),887-898.
  • Cuddy,A.J.C.,Glick,P.,& Beninger,A.(2011). The dynamics of warmth and competence judgments,and their outcomes in organizations. Research in Organizational Behavior,31,73-98.
  • Dabla-Norris,E.,Kochhar,K.,Suphaphiphat,N.,Ricka,F.,& Tsounta,E.(2015). Causes and consequences of income inequality:A global perspective. Staff Discussion Notes,15(13),1-39.
  • De Vries,R.,Gosling,S.,& Potter,J.(2011). Income inequality and personality:Are less equal U.S.states less agreeable?Social Science & Medicine,72(12),1978-1985.
  • DeNeve,K.M.,& Cooper,H.(1998). The happy personality:A meta-analysis of 137 personality traits and subjective well-being. Psychological Bulletin,124(2),197-229.
  • Eckstein,H.(1997)Congruencetheory explained. CSD Working Papers,https://escholarship.org/uc/item/2wb616g6(accessed 15 April 2021).
  • Edwards,J.R.,& Rothbard,N.P.(1999). Work and family stress and well-being:An examination of person-environment fit in the work and family domains. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,77(2),85-129.
  • Eysenck,W.(2009). Personality,intelligence,and longevity:A cross-cultural perspective. Social Behavior and PersonalityAn International Journal,37(2),149-154.
  • Fassio,O.,Rollero,C.,& De Piccoli,N.(2013). Health,quality of life and population density:A preliminary study on “contextualized” quality of life. Social Indicators Research,110(2),479-488.
  • Fischer,R.,& Schwartz,S.(2011). Whence differences in value priorities?Individual,cultural or artefactual sources. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology,42(7),1127-1144.
  • Friedman,H.S.(2000). Long-term relations of personality and health:Dynamisms,mechanisms,tropisms. Journal of Personality,68(6),1089-1107.
  • Friedman,H.S.,& Kern,M.L.(2014). Personality,well-being,and health. Annual Review of Psychology,65(1),719-742.
  • Gebauer,J.E.,Sedikides,C.,Schönbrodt,F.D.,Bleidorn,W.,Rentfrow,P.J.,Potter,J.,& Gosling,S.D.(2017). The religiosity as social value hypothesis:A multi-method replication and extension across 65 countries and three levels of spatial aggregation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,113(3),e18-e39.
  • Gebauer,J.E.,Sedikides,C.,Wagner,J.,Bleidorn,W.,Rentfrow,P.J.,Potter,J.,& Gosling,S.D.(2015). Cultural norm fulfillment,interpersonal belonging,or getting ahead?A large-scale cross-cultural test of three perspectives on the function of self-esteem. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,109(3),526-548.
  • Gosling,S.D.,Vazire,S.,Srivastava,S.,& John,O.P.(2004). Should we trust web-based studies?A comparative analysis of six preconceptions about internet questionnaires. American Psychologist,59(2),93-104.
  • Graziano,W.G.,Habashi,M.M.,Sheese,B.E.,& Tobin,R.M.(2007). Agreeableness,empathy,and helping:A person×situation perspective. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,93(4),583-599.
  • Habashi,M.M.,Graziano,W.G.,& Hoover,A.E.(2016). Searching for the prosocial personality. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,42(9),1177-1192.
  • Hilbig,B.E.,Glöckner,A.,& Zettler,I.(2014). Personality and prosocial behavior:Linking basic traits and social value orientations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,107(3),529-539.
  • Hofstede,G.(2001). Culture’s Consequences:Comparing Values,Behaviors,Institutions,and Organizations across Nations(2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks:Sage.
  • Inglehart,R.,Haerpfer,C.,Moreno,A.,Welzel,C.,Kizilova,K.,Diez-Medrano,J.,Lagos,M.,Norris,P.,Ponarin,E.,& Puranen,B.(2014). World Values Survey:Round Six-Country-Pooled Datafile Version. Madrid:JD Systems Institute.
  • Jenkinson,C.E.,Dickens,A.P.,Jones,K.,Thompson-Coon,J.,Taylor,R.S.,Rogers,M.,Bambra,C.L.,Lang,I.,& Richards,S.H.(2013). Is volunteering a public health intervention?A systematic review and meta-analysis of the health and survival of volunteers. BMC Public Health,13(1),773.
  • John,O.P.,Donahue,E.M.,& Kentle,R.L.(1991). The Big Five InventoryVersions 4a and 54. Berkeley:University of California,Berkeley,Institute of Personality and Social Research.
  • Jokela,M.,Batty,G.D.,Nyberg,S.T.,Virtanen,M.,Nabi,H.,Singh-Manoux,A.,& Kivimäki,M.(2013). Personality and all-cause mortality:Individual-participant meta-analysis of 3,947 deaths in 76,150 adults. American Journal of Epidemiology,178(5),667-675.
  • Jokela,M.,Bleidorn,W.,Lamb,M.E.,Gosling,S.D.,& Rentfrow,P.J.(2015). Geographically varying associations between personality and life satisfaction in the London metropolitan area. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,112(3),725-730.
  • Jokela,M.,Obschonka,M.,Stuetzer,M.,Rentfrow,P.J.,Potter,J.,& Gosling,S.D.(2017). Did strategic bombing in the second world war lead to “German angst”?A Large-scale empirical test across 89 German cities. European Journal of Personality,31(3),234-257.
  • Kern,M.L.,& Friedman,H.S.(2008). Do conscientious individuals live longer?A quantitative review. Health Psychology,27(5),505-512.
  • Kindig,D.,& Stoddart,G.(2003). What is population health?American Journal of Public Health,93(3),380-383.
  • Kotov,R.,Gamez,W.,Schmidt,F.,& Watson,D.(2010). Linking “big” personality traits to anxiety,depressive,and substance use disorders:A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin,136(5),768-821.
  • Loughnan,S.,Kuppens,P.,Allik,J.,Balazs,K.,de Lemus,S.,Dumont,K.,Gargurevich,R.,Hidegkuti,I.,Leidner,B.,Matos,L.,Park,J.,Realo,A.,Shi,J.,Sojo,V.E.,Tong,Y.,Vaes,J.,Verduyn,P.,Yeung,V.,& Haslam,N.(2011). Economic inequality is linked to biased self-perception. Psychological Science,22(10),1254-1258.
  • Matz,S.C.,& Gladstone,J.J.(2020). Nice guys finish last:When and why agreeableness is associated with economic hardship. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,118(3),545-561.
  • McCann,S.J.H.(2010). Subjective well-being,personality,demographic variables,and American state differences in smoking prevalence. Nicotine & Tobacco Research,12(9),895-904.
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  • Obschonka,M.,Stuetzer,M.,Rentfrow,P.J.,Shaw-Taylor,L.,Satchell,M.,Silbereisen,R.K.,Potter,J.,& Gosling,S.D.(2018). In the shadow of coal:How large-scale industries contributed to present-day regional differences in personality and well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,115(5),903-927.
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  • Rentfrow,P.J.,Gosling,S.D.,Jokela,M.,Stillwell,D.J.,Kosinski,M.,& Potter,J(2013). Divided we stand:Three psychological regions of the united states and their political,economic,social,and health correlates. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,105(6),996-1012.
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  • 赖凯声、陈浩,2020,《亲和性假说:区域人格影响健康的大数据分析》,暨南大学出版社。
  • Allik,J.,& McCrae,R.R.(2004). Toward a geography of personality traits. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology,35(1),13-28.
  • Anglim,J.,Horwood,S.,Smillie,L.D.,Marrero,R.J.,& Wood,J.K.(2020). Predicting psychological and subjective well-being from personality:A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin,146(4),279-323.
  • Bernerth,J.B.,Taylor,S.G.,Walker,H.J.,& Whitman,D.S.(2012). An empirical investigation of dispositional antecedents and performance-related outcomes of credit scores. Journal of Applied Psychology,97(2),469-478.
  • Blake,K.R.,Bastian,B.,Denson,T.F.,Grosjean,P.,& Brooks,R.C.(2018). Income inequality not gender inequality positively covaries with female sexualization on social media. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,115(35),8722-8727.
  • Booth-Kewley,S.,& Vickers,R.R.(1994). Associations between major domains of personality and health behavior. Journal of Personality,62(3),281-298.
  • Brown,S.L.,& Brown,R.M.(2015). Connecting prosocial behavior to improved physical health:Contributions from the neurobiology of parenting. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews,55,1-17.
  • Buss,A.H.,Plomin,R.,& Willerman,L.(1973). The inheritance of temperaments. Journal of Personality,41(4),513-524.
  • Buttrick,N.R.,& Oishi,S.(2017). The psychological consequences of income inequality. Social and Personality Psychology Compass,11(3),e12304.
  • Caplan,R.D.(1987). Person-environment fit theory and organizations:Commensurate dimensions,time perspectives,and mechanisms. Journal of Vocational Behavior,31(3),248-267.
  • Caprara,G.V.,Alessandri,G.,Di Giunta,L.,Panerai,L.,& Eisenberg,N.(2010). The contribution of agreeableness and self-efficacy beliefs to prosociality. European Journal of Personality,24(1),36-55.
  • Chapman,B.P.,& Elliot,A.J.(2019). How short is too short?An ultra-brief measure of the big-five personality domains implicates “agreeableness” as a risk for all-cause mortality. Journal of Health Psychology,24(11),1568-1573.
  • Chen,H.,Lai,K.,He,L.,& Yu,R.(2020). Where you are is who you are?The geographical account of psychological phenomena. Frontiers in Psychology,11,536.
  • Cheung,F.,& Lucas,R.E.(2016). Income inequality is associated with stronger social comparison effects:The effect of relative income on life satisfaction. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,110(2),332-341.
  • Cingano,F.(2014). Trends in income inequality and its impact on economic growth. In OECD Social,Employment,and Migration Working Papers,163.
  • Costa,P.T.,McCrae,R.R.,& Dye,D.A.(1991). Facet scales for agreeableness and conscientiousness:A revision of the NEO Personality Inventory. Personality and Individual Differences,12(9),887-898.
  • Cuddy,A.J.C.,Glick,P.,& Beninger,A.(2011). The dynamics of warmth and competence judgments,and their outcomes in organizations. Research in Organizational Behavior,31,73-98.
  • Dabla-Norris,E.,Kochhar,K.,Suphaphiphat,N.,Ricka,F.,& Tsounta,E.(2015). Causes and consequences of income inequality:A global perspective. Staff Discussion Notes,15(13),1-39.
  • De Vries,R.,Gosling,S.,& Potter,J.(2011). Income inequality and personality:Are less equal U.S.states less agreeable?Social Science & Medicine,72(12),1978-1985.
  • DeNeve,K.M.,& Cooper,H.(1998). The happy personality:A meta-analysis of 137 personality traits and subjective well-being. Psychological Bulletin,124(2),197-229.
  • Eckstein,H.(1997)Congruencetheory explained. CSD Working Papers,https://escholarship.org/uc/item/2wb616g6(accessed 15 April 2021).
  • Edwards,J.R.,& Rothbard,N.P.(1999). Work and family stress and well-being:An examination of person-environment fit in the work and family domains. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,77(2),85-129.
  • Eysenck,W.(2009). Personality,intelligence,and longevity:A cross-cultural perspective. Social Behavior and PersonalityAn International Journal,37(2),149-154.
  • Fassio,O.,Rollero,C.,& De Piccoli,N.(2013). Health,quality of life and population density:A preliminary study on “contextualized” quality of life. Social Indicators Research,110(2),479-488.
  • Fischer,R.,& Schwartz,S.(2011). Whence differences in value priorities?Individual,cultural or artefactual sources. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology,42(7),1127-1144.
  • Friedman,H.S.(2000). Long-term relations of personality and health:Dynamisms,mechanisms,tropisms. Journal of Personality,68(6),1089-1107.
  • Friedman,H.S.,& Kern,M.L.(2014). Personality,well-being,and health. Annual Review of Psychology,65(1),719-742.
  • Gebauer,J.E.,Sedikides,C.,Schönbrodt,F.D.,Bleidorn,W.,Rentfrow,P.J.,Potter,J.,& Gosling,S.D.(2017). The religiosity as social value hypothesis:A multi-method replication and extension across 65 countries and three levels of spatial aggregation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,113(3),e18-e39.
  • Gebauer,J.E.,Sedikides,C.,Wagner,J.,Bleidorn,W.,Rentfrow,P.J.,Potter,J.,& Gosling,S.D.(2015). Cultural norm fulfillment,interpersonal belonging,or getting ahead?A large-scale cross-cultural test of three perspectives on the function of self-esteem. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,109(3),526-548.
  • Gosling,S.D.,Vazire,S.,Srivastava,S.,& John,O.P.(2004). Should we trust web-based studies?A comparative analysis of six preconceptions about internet questionnaires. American Psychologist,59(2),93-104.
  • Graziano,W.G.,Habashi,M.M.,Sheese,B.E.,& Tobin,R.M.(2007). Agreeableness,empathy,and helping:A person×situation perspective. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,93(4),583-599.
  • Habashi,M.M.,Graziano,W.G.,& Hoover,A.E.(2016). Searching for the prosocial personality. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,42(9),1177-1192.
  • Hilbig,B.E.,Glöckner,A.,& Zettler,I.(2014). Personality and prosocial behavior:Linking basic traits and social value orientations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,107(3),529-539.
  • Hofstede,G.(2001). Culture’s Consequences:Comparing Values,Behaviors,Institutions,and Organizations across Nations(2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks:Sage.
  • Inglehart,R.,Haerpfer,C.,Moreno,A.,Welzel,C.,Kizilova,K.,Diez-Medrano,J.,Lagos,M.,Norris,P.,Ponarin,E.,& Puranen,B.(2014). World Values Survey:Round Six-Country-Pooled Datafile Version. Madrid:JD Systems Institute.
  • Jenkinson,C.E.,Dickens,A.P.,Jones,K.,Thompson-Coon,J.,Taylor,R.S.,Rogers,M.,Bambra,C.L.,Lang,I.,& Richards,S.H.(2013). Is volunteering a public health intervention?A systematic review and meta-analysis of the health and survival of volunteers. BMC Public Health,13(1),773.
  • John,O.P.,Donahue,E.M.,& Kentle,R.L.(1991). The Big Five InventoryVersions 4a and 54. Berkeley:University of California,Berkeley,Institute of Personality and Social Research.
  • Jokela,M.,Batty,G.D.,Nyberg,S.T.,Virtanen,M.,Nabi,H.,Singh-Manoux,A.,& Kivimäki,M.(2013). Personality and all-cause mortality:Individual-participant meta-analysis of 3,947 deaths in 76,150 adults. American Journal of Epidemiology,178(5),667-675.
  • Jokela,M.,Bleidorn,W.,Lamb,M.E.,Gosling,S.D.,& Rentfrow,P.J.(2015). Geographically varying associations between personality and life satisfaction in the London metropolitan area. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,112(3),725-730.
  • Jokela,M.,Obschonka,M.,Stuetzer,M.,Rentfrow,P.J.,Potter,J.,& Gosling,S.D.(2017). Did strategic bombing in the second world war lead to “German angst”?A Large-scale empirical test across 89 German cities. European Journal of Personality,31(3),234-257.
  • Kern,M.L.,& Friedman,H.S.(2008). Do conscientious individuals live longer?A quantitative review. Health Psychology,27(5),505-512.
  • Kindig,D.,& Stoddart,G.(2003). What is population health?American Journal of Public Health,93(3),380-383.
  • Kotov,R.,Gamez,W.,Schmidt,F.,& Watson,D.(2010). Linking “big” personality traits to anxiety,depressive,and substance use disorders:A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin,136(5),768-821.
  • Loughnan,S.,Kuppens,P.,Allik,J.,Balazs,K.,de Lemus,S.,Dumont,K.,Gargurevich,R.,Hidegkuti,I.,Leidner,B.,Matos,L.,Park,J.,Realo,A.,Shi,J.,Sojo,V.E.,Tong,Y.,Vaes,J.,Verduyn,P.,Yeung,V.,& Haslam,N.(2011). Economic inequality is linked to biased self-perception. Psychological Science,22(10),1254-1258.
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