张宇燕 ,中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所所长、研究员,中国社会科学院学部委员,中国社会科学院国家全球战略智库理事长、首席专家,中国社会科学院大学国际政治经济学院院长、博士生导师,中国世界经济学会会长。主要研究领域为国际政治经济学、制度经济学等。著有《经济发展与制度选择》(1992 年)、《国际经济政治学》(2008 年)、《美国行为的根源》(2015 年)、《中国的和平发展道路》(2017 年)等。
徐秀军 ,法学博士,中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所研究员,研究方向为国际政治经济学、亚太区域合作等。
- 国务院发展研究中心对外经济研究部、中国信息通信研究院:《数字贸易发展与合作报告2023》,2023年9月。
- 国务院新闻办公室:《共建“一带一路”:构建人类命运共同体的重大实践》,《人民日报》2023年10月11日。
- 屠新泉:《全球产业链重构与全球贸易治理体系变革》,《当代世界》2023年第7期。
- 习近平:《建设开放包容、互联互通、共同发展的世界——在第三届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛开幕式上的主旨演讲》,《人民日报》2023年10月19日。
- 中国信息通信研究院:《全球数字经济白皮书(2023年)》,2023年10月。
- Diego Cerdeiro,et al.,“Harm from ‘De-risking’ Strategies would Reverberate Beyond China,” https://www.imf.org/en/Blogs/Articles/2023/10/17/harm-from-de-risking-strategies-would-reverberate-beyond-china,October 17,2023.
- European Council,“European Council Conclusions on China,” https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2023/06/30/european-council-conclusions-on-china-30-june-2023/,June 30,2023.
- Henry A. Kissinger,Eric Schmidt,Daniel Huttenlocher,The Age of AI:And Our Human Future,New York:Little,Brown and Company,2021.
- Henry Farrell,Abraham Newman,“The New Economic Security State:How De-risking will Remake Geopolitics,” Foreign Affairs,Vol. 102,No. 6,2023.
- IIF,“Global Debt Monitor:In Search of Sustainability,” September 19,2023.
- ILO,“ILO Monitor on the World of Work,” 11th Edition,May 31,2023.
- IMF,OECD,UN,WTO,“Handbook on Measuring Digital Trade,” 2nd Edition,Geneva:WTO,2023.
- IMF,“World Economic Outlook:Navigating Global Divergences,” October 10,2023.
- Michele Ruta,“The Rise of Discriminatory Regionalism,” Finance & Development,Vol. 60,No. 2,2023.
- Nathan Benaich,et al.,“State of AI Report 2023,” https://www.stateof.ai/,October,2023.
- Nestor Maslej,et al.,“The AI Index 2023 Annual Report,” Stanford,CA:Stanford University,April,2023.
- OECD,“OECD Economic Outlook:Confronting Inflation and Low Growth,” September,2023.
- QuantumBlack by McKinsey,“The State of AI in 2022—and a Half Decade in Review,” December,2022.
- SWIFT,“RMB Tracker Monthly Reporting and Statistics on Renminbi(RMB)Progress Towards Becoming an International Currency,” https://www.swift.com/sites/default/files/files/rmb-tracker_october-2023_final_ast.pdf,October,2023.
- UNCTAD,“World Investment Report 2023:Investing in Sustainable Energy for All,” July 5,2023.
- United Nations,“Policy Brief:Education During COVID-19 and Beyond,” August,2020.
- World Bank Group,“Climate and Development:An Agenda for Action-Emerging Insights from World Bank Group 2021-22 Country Climate and Development Reports,” Washington,DC:The World Bank Group,2022.
- World Bank,“Global Economic Prospects,” June,2023.
- World Economic Forum,“Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2023,” June,2023.
- WTO,“Global Trade Outlook and Statistics:Update,” October,2023.
- 国务院发展研究中心对外经济研究部、中国信息通信研究院:《数字贸易发展与合作报告2023》,2023年9月。
- 国务院新闻办公室:《共建“一带一路”:构建人类命运共同体的重大实践》,《人民日报》2023年10月11日。
- 屠新泉:《全球产业链重构与全球贸易治理体系变革》,《当代世界》2023年第7期。
- 习近平:《建设开放包容、互联互通、共同发展的世界——在第三届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛开幕式上的主旨演讲》,《人民日报》2023年10月19日。
- 中国信息通信研究院:《全球数字经济白皮书(2023年)》,2023年10月。
- Diego Cerdeiro,et al.,“Harm from ‘De-risking’ Strategies would Reverberate Beyond China,” https://www.imf.org/en/Blogs/Articles/2023/10/17/harm-from-de-risking-strategies-would-reverberate-beyond-china,October 17,2023.
- European Council,“European Council Conclusions on China,” https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2023/06/30/european-council-conclusions-on-china-30-june-2023/,June 30,2023.
- Henry A. Kissinger,Eric Schmidt,Daniel Huttenlocher,The Age of AI:And Our Human Future,New York:Little,Brown and Company,2021.
- Henry Farrell,Abraham Newman,“The New Economic Security State:How De-risking will Remake Geopolitics,” Foreign Affairs,Vol. 102,No. 6,2023.
- IIF,“Global Debt Monitor:In Search of Sustainability,” September 19,2023.
- ILO,“ILO Monitor on the World of Work,” 11th Edition,May 31,2023.
- IMF,OECD,UN,WTO,“Handbook on Measuring Digital Trade,” 2nd Edition,Geneva:WTO,2023.
- IMF,“World Economic Outlook:Navigating Global Divergences,” October 10,2023.
- Michele Ruta,“The Rise of Discriminatory Regionalism,” Finance & Development,Vol. 60,No. 2,2023.
- Nathan Benaich,et al.,“State of AI Report 2023,” https://www.stateof.ai/,October,2023.
- Nestor Maslej,et al.,“The AI Index 2023 Annual Report,” Stanford,CA:Stanford University,April,2023.
- OECD,“OECD Economic Outlook:Confronting Inflation and Low Growth,” September,2023.
- QuantumBlack by McKinsey,“The State of AI in 2022—and a Half Decade in Review,” December,2022.
- SWIFT,“RMB Tracker Monthly Reporting and Statistics on Renminbi(RMB)Progress Towards Becoming an International Currency,” https://www.swift.com/sites/default/files/files/rmb-tracker_october-2023_final_ast.pdf,October,2023.
- UNCTAD,“World Investment Report 2023:Investing in Sustainable Energy for All,” July 5,2023.
- United Nations,“Policy Brief:Education During COVID-19 and Beyond,” August,2020.
- World Bank Group,“Climate and Development:An Agenda for Action-Emerging Insights from World Bank Group 2021-22 Country Climate and Development Reports,” Washington,DC:The World Bank Group,2022.
- World Bank,“Global Economic Prospects,” June,2023.
- World Economic Forum,“Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2023,” June,2023.
- WTO,“Global Trade Outlook and Statistics:Update,” October,2023.