
From Peaceful Coexistence to Win-win Cooperation:Cognitive Iteration of the Chinese Concept of International Rule of Law



肖永平 ,博士,教育部长江学者特聘教授,(国家高端智库)武汉大学国际法治研究院院长,教育部重点研究基地武汉大学国际法研究所所长。兼任中国国际私法学会常务副会长、中国法学会常务理事、中国国际法学会副会长、中国法学会体育法研究会副会长、外交部国际法咨询委员会顾问、最高人民检察院咨询委员会委员、最高人民法院国际商事专家委员会委员、中国国际贸易促进委员会经贸摩擦法律顾问委员会副主任等职。先后被中国法学会授予“全国十大杰出中青年法学家”,被中宣部评为“文化名家”,被中组部、人社部评为“哲学社会科学领军人才”,被中组部、中宣部、人社部、科技部授予“全国杰出专业技术人才”称号。主要研究领域为国际私法、体育法和仲裁法。主要代表作有《法理学视野下的冲突法》(专著)、《国际私法原理》(专著)、《体育争端解决模式研究》(主编)、Conflict of Laws in the People’s Republic of China(合著)、《肖永平论冲突法》(专著)等。
冯洁菡 ,武汉大学法学院、教育部重点研究基地武汉大学国际法研究所教授、博士生导师,(国家高端智库)武汉大学国际法治研究院副院长,中国法学会WTO法研究会常务理事。先后被湖北省法学会评为“湖北省十大优秀中青年法学家”,被中央统战部、各民主党派、工商联、无党派人士联合评为“为全面建成小康社会作贡献全国先进个人”。主要研究领域为国际法、国际知识产权法、海洋法、国际人道法和国际刑法。主要代表作有《公共健康危机与知识产权国际保护问题研究》(专著)、《国际法》(上下卷,译著)、Current Situations and Trends of Disputes over Invalidation of Pharmaceutical Patent Rights in China等。

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From Peaceful Coexistence to Win-win Cooperation:Cognitive Iteration of the Chinese Concept of International Rule of Law

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  • I Introduction
  • II Environmental Review:the Time Basis of the China’s Judgment on the Pattern of the International Rule of Law
    1. 1 War and Peace are the Themes of International Relations in the Cold War Period
    2. 2 Peace and Development Became the Keynote of the World in the 1980s
    3. 3 The Importance of Development in International Affairs in the New Century is Increasing
  • III Logic Investigation:The Ways of Interaction between Countries and the Level of International Rule of Law
    1. 1 The Hierarchy of State’s Need
    2. 2 From Peaceful Development to Cooperation and Win-win Cooperation is the Increase in the Level of National Needs
    3. 3 From Peaceful Coexistence to Win-win Cooperation is the Pillar Concept of Chinese Concept of International Rule of Law
  • IV Strategic Analysis:China’s Implementation of Norms and Practices
    1. 1 Peaceful Coexistence Expresses the Bottom-line Thinking of Chinese Concept of International Rule of Law
    2. 2 Pursuing Win-win Cooperation Based on a Peaceful and Safe International Environment
  • V Conclusion
