



安东尼奥·加西亚 (Antonio Garcia)是宾夕法尼亚大学社会政策与实践学院社会工作专业的助理教授。
克里斯蒂娜·德纳尔 (Christina Denard)是宾夕法尼亚大学社会政策与实践学院社会福利专业的博士生。

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  • Buckley,H.,Tonmyr,L.,Lewig,K.,& Jack,S.(2014). Factors influencing the uptake of research evidence in child welfare:A synthesis of findings from Australia,Canada and Ireland. Child Abuse Review,23(1),5-16.
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  • Collins-Camargo,C.,McBeath,B.,& Ensign,K.(2011). Privatization and performance-based contracting in child welfare:Recent trends and implications for social service administrators. Administration in Social Work,35(5),494-516.
  • Day,P.,& Peterson,C.(2008). Caseload reduction efforts in selected states. Unpublished manuscript,Casey Family Programs and ICF International.
  • DeVooght,K.,Fletcher,M.,Vaughn,B.,& Cooper,H.(2012). Federal,state,and local spending to address child abuse and neglect in SFYs 2008 and 2010. Washington,DC:Child Trends. Retrieved March,18,2013.
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  • Fedoravicius,N.,McMillen,J. C.,Rowe,J. E.,Kagotho,N.,& Ware,N. C.(2008). Funneling child welfare consumers into and through the mental health system:Assessment,referral,and quality issues. Social Service Review,82(2),273-290.
  • Garcia,A. R.,Circo,E.,DeNard,C,& Hernandez,N.(2015). Barriers and facilitators to delivering mental health practice strategies for youth and families served by the child welfare system. Children and Youth Services Review,52,110-122.
  • Garcia,A. R.,Palinkas,L. A.,Snowden,L.,& Landsverk,J.(2013). Looking beneath and in-between the hidden surfaces:A critical review of defining,measuring and contextualizing mental health service disparities in the child welfare system. Children and Youth Services Review,35(10),1727-1733.
  • Palinkas,L.A.,Fuentes,D.,Finno,M.,Garcia,A.R.,Holloway,I.W.,& Chamberlain,P.(2014). Inter-organizational collaboration in the implementation of evidence-based practices among public agencies serving abused and neglected youth. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research,41(1),74-85.
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  • Stiffman,A. R.,Pescosolido,B.,& Cabassa,L. J.(2004). Building a model to understand youth service access:The gateway provider model. Mental Health Services Research,6(4),189-198.
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