
Research on Establishment Standards and Functional Elements of National Central City




Chen Yao doctor of economics, researcher, professor and doctoral mentor of the Institute of Industrial Economics of CASS; vice director & secretary-general of the CARE; vice director of West Development and Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; invited researcher of the International Cooperation Center of the National Development and Reform Commission; fields of research: regional economy, industrial space organization and governmental policy.
陈耀 ,经济学博士,郑州师范学院国家中心城市研究院首席专家,中国社会科学院工业经济研究所研究员、教授、博士生导师,中国区域经济学会副会长兼秘书长,中国社会科学院西部发展研究中心副主任,《区域经济评论》主编,国家社会科学基金重大项目首席专家。享受国务院政府特殊津贴,中央组织部“院士专家西部行”、全国政协常委视察团和国家发展改革委等活动受邀专家、中国区域经济50人论坛成员。主要研究领域:区域经济、产业空间组织和政府政策。代表性论著有《国家中西部发展政策研究》《中国区域经济学前沿》《区域经济学》《区域经济辞典》等,在《经济研究》《中国工业经济》《经济管理》《区域经济评论》等刊物发表论文和各项研究报告数百篇,获得国家科技进步奖、中国发展研究奖、中国社会科学院优秀成果奖等10余项奖项。

参考文献 查看全部 ↓
  • [1]Chen Laiqing. “Urban Functions: The Determinants of Building National Central Cities” [J], Urban Insight, 2009(2): 49-61.
  • [2]Chen Jiangsheng, Zheng Zhixing. “Bottlenecks and Solutions to the Construction of National Central Cities: Experience from International Central Cities” [J], Urban Insight, 2009(2): 14-20.
  • [3]Zhou Yang. “National Central City: Definition, Characteristics, Functions and Evaluation” [J], Urban Insight, 2012 (1): 132-142.
  • [4]Li Lin, Zhao Wendan. “Selection and Functional Positioning of National Central City” [J], Academic Exchange, 2012(4): 140-144.
  • [5]Tian Meiling, Fang Shiming. “Connotation and Discrimination of National Central Cities” [J], Tropical Geography, 2015, 35(3): 372-378.
  • [6]Yao Shimou, Sun Yang. Chen Zhenguang, et al.. “Analysis of Growth Conditions and Growth Factors of National Central City” [J], Urban Insight, 2018(2).
  • [1]Chen Laiqing. “Urban Functions: The Determinants of Building National Central Cities” [J], Urban Insight, 2009(2): 49-61.
  • [2]Chen Jiangsheng, Zheng Zhixing. “Bottlenecks and Solutions to the Construction of National Central Cities: Experience from International Central Cities” [J], Urban Insight, 2009(2): 14-20.
  • [3]Zhou Yang. “National Central City: Definition, Characteristics, Functions and Evaluation” [J], Urban Insight, 2012 (1): 132-142.
  • [4]Li Lin, Zhao Wendan. “Selection and Functional Positioning of National Central City” [J], Academic Exchange, 2012(4): 140-144.
  • [5]Tian Meiling, Fang Shiming. “Connotation and Discrimination of National Central Cities” [J], Tropical Geography, 2015, 35(3): 372-378.
  • [6]Yao Shimou, Sun Yang. Chen Zhenguang, et al.. “Analysis of Growth Conditions and Growth Factors of National Central City” [J], Urban Insight, 2018(2).

Research on Establishment Standards and Functional Elements of National Central City

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  • I Significance of Developing National Central Cities
    1. (I) National Central City is the Important National Sources of Economic Growth
    2. (II) National Central City is an Important Gateway to Enhancing National Competitiveness
    3. (III) National Central City is the Facilitator of the Harmonious Development of Urban and Rural Regions
    4. (IV) National Central City Plays a Significant Role in Resource Allocation Nationwide
  • II Analysis of Establishment Standards of a National Central City
    1. (I) Academic and Governmental Definition of National Central City
    2. (II) Differences between a National Central City and a Regional Central City
      1. 1 Different Levels of Functionality
      2. 2 Different Types of Functionality
    3. (III) Establishment Standards for a National Central City
  • III Analysis of Functional Elements of a National Central City
    1. (I) Academic and Relevant Other Analysis of the Functional Elements of a National Central City
    2. (II) Thoughts and Views on Functional Elements of a National Central City
      1. 1 High-end Element Gathering
      2. 2 Guiding and Driving Force
      3. 3 Transportation and Information Hub
      4. 4 Scientific and Technological Innovation
      5. 5 Opening-up
      6. 6 Administrative Services
      7. 7 Ecological Livability
