
The Theory of tathatā(真如)in the Ratnagotravibhāga


In East Asian Buddhism,the representative Buddhist priest who provided a traditional definition of tathatā(真如)is Fazang(法藏,643—712),a representative of the Huayan sect. Fazang divided tathatā into emptiness and non-emptiness and asserted that tathatā can act as conditional dharma. However,before Fazang’s time,Tanyan(昙延,516—588)and Huiyuan(慧远,523—592)of the Jingying temple(净影寺)had referred to tathatā in their writings. We can therefore confirm that the theory of tathatā’s rise began before Fazang’s time. What we should notice is that their writings referring to tathatā are almost commentaries on the Dasheng qixin lun(《大乘起信论》). That is,the theory of tathatā’s rise relates to the theory of tathatā in the Dasheng qixin lun.



李子捷 ,京都大学博士后,东京驹泽大学非常勤讲师。

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The Theory of tathatā(真如)in the Ratnagotravibhāga

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