
Third-Party Evaluation Report on “Smart Enforcement” in Chinese Courts (2019)



陈甦 ,中国社会科学院学部委员,中国社会科学院法学研究所研究员、博士生导师。曾任中国社会科学院法学研究所、国际法研究所联合党委书记,法学研究所所长,现为《法学研究》主编。学术兼职为中国法学会副会长、中国法学会商法学研究会副会长、中国市场监督管理学会副会长等。长期从事民商法研究,主要研究方向为公司法、证券法、票据法、物权法等。在《法学研究》《中国法学》等核心期刊上发表论文70余篇,主编有《新中国法学研究70年》《民法总则评注》等著作10余种。
田禾 ,中国社会科学院国家法治指数研究中心主任、法学研究所研究员,中国社会科学院大学法学院特聘教授。兼任最高人民法院信息化专家咨询委员会委员、最高人民法院执行特约咨询专家。全国先进工作者,享受国务院政府特殊津贴。主要研究领域:刑事法治、实证法学、司法制度、亚洲法。
吕艳滨 ,中国社会科学院国家法治指数研究中心副主任、法学研究所研究员、法治国情调研室主任,中国社会科学院大学法学院行政法教研室主任、教授。主要研究领域:行政法、信息法、法治指数。
胡昌明 ,中国社会科学院法学研究所副研究员。主要研究领域:法理学、法社会学、司法制度。

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Third-Party Evaluation Report on “Smart Enforcement” in Chinese Courts (2019)

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  • I Background:From a Basic Solution to an Effective Solution to Enforcement Difficulties
    1. (I)Information Technology Is Powerful in Basically Solving Enforcement Difficulties.
      1. 1. Basically Eliminating Delayed Enforcement and Selective Enforcement with Unified Case Handling System
      2. 2. Basically Overcoming Difficulties in Searching for Persons and Objects with Online Inquiry and Control Systems
      3. 3. Basically Overcoming Difficulties in Property Disposition with Online Judicial Auctions
      4. 4. Increasing Transparency of Exercising Enforcement Power with Transparent Enforcement Platforms
      5. 5. Basically Eliminating Circumvention (Evasion) of Enforcement with Joint Credit Punishment
      6. 6. Building a Uniform Enforcement Management Pattern with Enforcement Command Centers
    2. (II)New Demands on Information Technology from Effectively Solving Enforcement Difficulties
      1. 1. Automation
      2. 2. Intelligence
      3. 3. Paperlessness
      4. 4. Mobile Technologies
  • II Effectiveness:Relying on Information Technology to Explore Long-Term Mechanisms to Effectively Solve Enforcement Difficulties
    1. (I)System Updating:Increased Automation and Intelligence in Handling Cases
    2. (II)System Integration:Enforcement and Case Handling Integrated in Some Areas
    3. (III)Paperless Solutions:Restructured Exercising Mechanism of Enforcement Power
    4. (IV)“Micro-Enforcement”:Full Application of Mobile Case-Handling System
    5. (V)Deep Integration of Big Data,Artificial Intelligence and Enforcement
    6. (VI)Explore Use of Blockchain Technology in Enforcement
    7. (VII)Development and Full Application of Inquiry and Evaluation System of Property Subject to Enforcement
    8. (VIII)Unified Audio and Video Management System for Enforcement Cases
    9. (IX)Physical Operation of Enforcement Command Centers Supported by Information Technology
    10. (X)Regional Enforcement Forces Integration Based on Information Technology
  • III Problems:Intelligence and Integration of Enforcement System Needing to Be Highlighted
    1. (I)Platforms Needing to Be Improved in Intelligence
    2. (II)Information-Based Enforcement Systems Needing to Be Further Integrated
    3. (III)Emerging Technological Achievements Remaining in a Primary Stage in Application
    4. (IV)Joint Credit Disciplinary Mechanisms Needing to Be Strengthened
    5. (V)Further Integration with Other Social Governance Platforms
  • IV Outlook:Building a High-quality Project for Enforcement Informatization
    1. (I)All-round Upgrading of Platforms for Handling Cases
    2. (II)In-depth Integration of Various Platforms and Systems in Judicial Field
    3. (III)Application of Emerging Scientific and Technological Achievements
    4. (IV)Top-down Promotion of Embedding Lists of Dishonest Judgement Debtors in Joint-Action System
    5. (V)Active Integration into the Comprehensive Social Governance System
