
China Finance and Economic Review Volume 6 Number 3 Autumn 2017 电子版

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目录 过往期刊 参考文献
  • Instructions for Authors
  • 编委会
  • Fiscal pressure and local economic growth
    1. 1. Introduction and literature review
    2. 2. Institutional background and theoretical analysis
    3. 3. Indicators, data and empirical strategy
    4. 4. Empirical Analysis
    5. 5. Conclusions
  • Assessing China’s recent capital outflows: Policy challenges and implications
    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. Recent literature review
    3. 3. Driving forces behind China’s recent capital outflows
    4. 4. Policy challenges and implications
    5. 5. Conclusions
  • The effect of equity structure and influence factors on China’s banking cyclical behavior and monetary policy
    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. Methods
    3. 3. Data description
    4. 4. Hypotheses
    5. 5. Results and discussion
    6. 6. Robustness Test
    7. 7. Conclusions
  • Chinese decentralization and income inequality between urban and rural residents
    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. The mechanism analysis of Chinese decentralization on income inequality
    3. 3. Variable definitions and data sources
    4. 4. The empirical analysis of the effect of Chinese decentralization on urban-rural income inequality
    5. 5. Conclusions and policy recommendations
  • Measures and underlying mechanisms of inequality of opportunities in China: Evidence from CGSS data
    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. Literature review and issues raised
    3. 3. Empirical strategies
    4. 4. Results of statistical and empirical analyses
    5. 5. In-depth analysis and discussion of the IO
    6. 6. Conclusions and policy implication
  • Board independence and fluctuations of corporate performance
    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. Relevant literature and research hypothesis
    3. 3. Research design
    4. 4. Empirical results
    5. 5. Conclusions
  • China Finance and Economic Review被ESCI数据库正式收录
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