
China Finance and Economic Review Volume 4 Number 1 Spring 2015 电子版

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目录 过往期刊 参考文献
  • Instructions for Authors
  • 编委会
  • The choice of China’s macro-economic policies for the “new normal”
    1. 1. Main characteristics of the “new normal” economy
    2. 2. The reconstruction of economic growth serving as the engine in the “new normal”
    3. 3. Major risks in the “new normal” economy
    4. 4. The policy choices in the “new normal”
  • Thoughts on a comprehensive tax reform
    1. 1. A comprehensive, systematic understanding of tax reform
    2. 2. Multi-dimensional analysis to deepening tax reform
    3. 3. Key issues in tax reform
  • Intergovernmental fiscal relations: a case for division of tax power
    1. 1. The theoretical basis and principles for tax-sharing
    2. 2. The main local tax: A dilemma
    3. 3. The outlook for coordinated VAT and retail sales tax reform
    4. 4. The basic framework of tax-sharing system
    5. 5. Conclusions
  • The size and structure of China’s full-covered fiscal expenditure
    1. 1. Measurement method
    2. 2. Measurement results of the full-covered size of fiscal expenditure
    3. 3. Fiscal expenditure structure
    4. 4. Summary
  • On reform measures to strengthen the foundations for future economic growth in China
    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. Some reforms on the supply-side planned for the coming decades
    3. 3. A preliminary quantitative examination of the impact of the new reforms
    4. 4. Conclusions
  • Testing the applicability of Wagner’s Law in China based on reconstruction of government expenditure indicators
    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. Reconstruction of government expenditure indicators and measurement data
    3. 3. Applicability test of Wagner’s Law in China
    4. 4. Conclusions
  • The impacts of China’s economic policies on Sino-African agricultural trade: evidence from the gravity model analysis
    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. Methods
    3. 3. Results and discussion
    4. 4. Conclusions and policy recommendations
    5. List of abbreviations used
  • Two decades of tax-sharing system reform in China: a comparative study
    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. Trends of intergovernmental fiscal relations
    3. 3. The proportion of tax revenue in fiscal revenue continues to decline
    4. 4. Deficiencies of tax structure
    5. 5. Three questions’ relationship
    6. 6. Conclusions
  • 全部
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