社会科学文献出版社 2010-11出版

Making a Difference: Bai Identity Construction in Dali






白族是中国政府在上个世纪五十年代到1979年间识别的55个少数民族中的一个民族。尽管要想严格例举白族“独特”的文化特质不是件容易的事,但是白族群众接纳了政府法定的这个族称,并在情感上、实践中和政治上实践着、体验着这个族称。与早期研究彝族、苗族、回族和白族的英文研究成果不同,本文试图呈现一幅与以往对中国民族的霸权、简单解读不同的图景,再现白族如何利用国家法定的族称,通过白族史研究、社会记忆、宗教信仰以及一年一度的民间盛会来建构多层次的白族认同,再现人们是如何接纳并认可“白族”这个法定族称。 本文通过厘清白族与国家,白族与汉族,白族与彝族之间的社会历史关系和层次,展现白族的多元认同是如何在这些社会历史关系层次中得以不断产生和再生产的。目前,白族这个族称现已演变成一象征性标识,并已成为再造不同层次白族认同的基础。白族认同的再生产并不一定需要在民族文化特征上有何独特之处,因为白族这个法定的族称本身就足以使白族认同的再生产具备白族文化特征。白族把这个法定族称当作一个可以掌控的社会政治元素,在一个貌似单一的、同质的泛白族身份下表达着个人的和集体的身份认同。
内容介绍 参考文献
字数: 399千字装帧:精装
白族是中国政府在上个世纪五十年代到1979年间识别的55个少数民族中的一个民族。尽管要想严格例举白族“独特”的文化特质不是件容易的事,但是白族群众接纳了政府法定的这个族称,并在情感上、实践中和政治上实践着、体验着这个族称。与早期研究彝族、苗族、回族和白族的英文研究成果不同,本文试图呈现一幅与以往对中国民族的霸权、简单解读不同的图景,再现白族如何利用国家法定的族称,通过白族史研究、社会记忆、宗教信仰以及一年一度的民间盛会来建构多层次的白族认同,再现人们是如何接纳并认可“白族”这个法定族称。 本文通过厘清白族与国家,白族与汉族,白族与彝族之间的社会历史关系和层次,展现白族的多元认同是如何在这些社会历史关系层次中得以不断产生和再生产的。目前,白族这个族称现已演变成一象征性标识,并已成为再造不同层次白族认同的基础。白族认同的再生产并不一定需要在民族文化特征上有何独特之处,因为白族这个法定的族称本身就足以使白族认同的再生产具备白族文化特征。白族把这个法定族称当作一个可以掌控的社会政治元素,在一个貌似单一的、同质的泛白族身份下表达着个人的和集体的身份认同。


目录 卷册 附属资源 图片 图表 音频 视频





List of Tables and Figures .........................................../ⅴ

Illustrations of Bai Social Life ...................................../ⅵ

Preface ............................................................../ⅸ

Acknowledgments ....................................................../xxⅲ

Introduction ........................................................./xxⅳ

Abbreviations ......................................................../xxⅵ


Chapter One Contextualising the Bai and the Research ................/1

Chapter Two The Making of Minzu and its Conceptual Implications ...../26

Chapter Three The Politics of Local Scholarly Making of the Bai ...../62

Chapter Four Partial Identity and the Different Degrees of Bai-ness ./98

Chapter Five Identity Manifested in Religious Practices ............./130

Chapter Six Negotiating Interpretations and Identity-Making

       in an Annual Social Event: Gua sa na .................../161

Chapter Seven Ethnic Identities under the Tourist Gaze ............../207

Chapter Eight Becoming Ethnically Distinctive ......................./228

Glossary ............................................................./238

Tables and Figures .................................................../239

Illustrations of Bai Social Life ...................................../242

Appendix 1: Bai Characters on Unearthed Tiles ......................../281

Appendix 2: Poster for gua sa na west Town, 2005 ...................../282

Appendix 3: Web Sources and Printed Publications

      for gua sa na stories ..................................../283

Appendix 4: Gua sa na Income in Sunshine Village Temple, 2005 ......../285

Bibliography ........................................................./286



              List of Tables and Figures


Table 1: Number of Autonomous Governments in China .................../239

Table 2: Bai Population in China, Yunnan Province and

     Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture (DBAP) ....................../239

Table 3: Population of Dali in Ming Dynasty

     (abstracted from Lee 1982) ................................./239

Table 4: National Classification Project in China (55+1) ............./240

Table 5: Development of Bai Studies ................................../240

Table 6: Declining Illiteracy Rate among the Bai, Yi, Han and

     the National Level ........................................./240


Figure 1: Benzhu Hierarchy .........................................../241

Figure 2: Positions of All Benzhu on Benzhu Cultural Square ........../241



            Illustrations of Bai Social Life


Ill. 1: The Tower of Five Glories, Ancient Town of Dali, 2004 ......../242

Ill. 2: Chanting Sutra, Colour Village, 2004 ........................./243

Ill. 3: Gua sa na Participants, Cave Village, 2005 .................../243

Ill. 4: Bai Screen Wall, Shaxi Village, 2005 ........................./243

Ill. 5: View from Dragonhead Gate, Xiaguan, 2004 ...................../244

Ill. 6: Cangshan and Erhai, 2004 ...................................../245

Ill. 7: The Three Pagodas, 2005 ....................................../245

Ill. 8: The Three Pagodas in late Qing Dynasty ......................./245

Ill. 9: Autobiography Hung in the Sitting Room of

    Mr. Xiang, Colour Village, 2004 ............................../246

Ill. 10: Modern Replica of Fancy Bai Style Gate,

    Splendour Village, 2004 ....................................../246

Ill. 11: Senior Male Villagers Koutou in front of Benzhu Images,

    Splendour Village, 2004 ....................................../247

Ill. 12: Evidence of a Splendid Long Bai History

    Mr. Fu Collected, 2004 ......................................./247

Ill. 13: Renovated Fancy Gate and Wood Panel, Colour Village, 2004 .../248

Ill. 14: Z Family’s Gate, Colour Village, 2004 ....................../248

Ill. 15: The “authentic” Bai Dancing at A Temple Event. ............/249

Ill. 16: Mr. Sui and Brother Explaining Their Han Ancestor Tablets,

    CampVillage, 2004 ............................................/249

Ill. 16a: Genealogy of Wang Song’s (1752-1837) Descendent, 2005 ...../250

Ill. 16b: Genealogy of the Zhangs, 2005 ............................../250

Ill. 17: Warrior Benzhu with His Parents and Generals,

    Colour Village, 2004 ........................................./251

Ill. 18: Literati Benzhu and Wife, Colour Village, 2004 ............../251

Ill. 19: Main Benzhu, His Two Wives and Followers,Zhou Village, 2004 ./252

Ill. 20: Literati and Warrior Benzhu, West Town, 2004 ................/252

Ill. 21: One of the Nine Benzhu in Its Original Site. West Town, 2004 /253

Ill. 22: Common Secondary Deity: God of Fortune. Zhou Village, 2004 ../253

Ill. 23: Common Guardian Deities: Rooster, Pig, Horse

    and Ox, Colour Village, 2004 ................................./254

Ill. 24: Common Guardian Deities: God of the Mountain

    and the Land, Colour Village, 2004 .........................../254

Ill. 25: Common Secondary Deities: Son-giving Guanyin,

    Zhou Village, 2004 .........................................../255

Ill. 26: Duan Zongbang and His Mistress, Stream Village, 2005 ......../255

Ill. 27: Kublai Khan and Duan Zongbang (the small image

    on stage right), West Town, 2005 ............................./256

Ill. 28: Lady Bejie and Husband, Fountain County, 2004 .............../256

Ill. 29: Benzhu: General Li Mi, Xiaguan, 2005 ......................../257

Ill. 30: Non-benzhu Temple, San Jiao Gong, Splendour Village, 2004 .../257

Ill. 31: Non-benzhu Cults. Three Gods in San Jiao Gong,West Town. 2004/258

Ill. 32: Non-benzhu Cults, City God, Fountain County, 2004 .........../258

Ill. 33: Non-benzhu Cults, Jade Emperor, West Town, 2004 ............./259

Ill. 34: Benzhu Procession, Going to Get the Benzhu Image,

    Colour Village, 2004 ........................................./259

Ill. 35: Benzhu Procession: Greeting Benzhu, Splendour Village, 2004 ./260

Ill. 36: Benzhu Procession: The Parade of Duan Zongbang,

    Stream Villagers, 2005 ......................................./260

Ill. 37: Benzhu Procession: The Parade of Duan Zongbang,

    Horse Villagers, 2005 ......................................../261

Ill. 38: Sacrifices Before the Bai New Year Dinner,

    Colour Village, 2004 (photo courtesy of Hong Yu) ............./261

Ill. 39: Raw Sacrifices, 2005 ......................................../262

Ill. 40: Cooked Sacrifices, Colour Village, 2004 ...................../262

Ill. 40a: Poster for Benzhu Procession, West Town, 2005 ............../263

Ill. 41: “The Grand Gua sa na of the Bai”, Cave Village, 2005 ....../264

Ill. 42: Gua sa na: The Sacred Temple, Cave Village, 2005 ............/264

Ill. 43: Gua sa na: Praying, Cave Village, 2005 ....................../265

Ill. 44: Gua sa na: Voluntary Dancing, Creek Village, 2005 .........../265

Ill. 45: Gua sa na: Audience of One Dialogical Singing Site,

    Creek Village, 2005 ........................................../266

Ill. 46: Duan Zongbang in Benzhu Cultural Square,

    Nanzhao Feature Island, 2005 ................................./266

Ill. 47: Signs on Nanzhao Feature Island, 2005 ......................./267

Ill. 48: Mother Sayi, Nanzhao Feature Island, 2005 .................../267

Ill. 49: Clip from Five Golden Flowers, Butterfly Pond, 2005 ........./268

Ill. 50: Shaping Market, 2001 ......................................../268

Ill. 51: The Tower of Five Glories, Ancient Town of Dali, 2004 ......./269

Ill. 52: Screen Wall, Deng Village, 2004 ............................./269

Ill. 53: Newly Built Bai House, Colour Village, 2004 ................./270

Ill. 54: Fancy Bai Shop Outside Three Pagodas Park, 2005 ............./270

Ill. 55: Zhou Township Tie-Dye Factory, 2001 ........................./271

Ill. 56: Yi Women Selling Her Gatherings from the Mountain

    in Dali, 2004 ................................................/271

Ill. 57: Tuzhu Temple in Mega County. The Temple of

    the Nanzhao Founder, 2004 ..................................../272

Ill. 58: Burnt Fancy Gate, Light Village, 2004 ......................./272

Ill. 59: Newly Built Replica in Mega County, 2005 ..................../273

Ill. 60: Mahakala as a Main Benzhu in Zhou Village, 2004 ............./273

Ill. 61: Zhongyang Ci, West Town, 2004 .............................../274

Ill. 62: Wang Le Kuan and His Family in Bay Village, 2005 ............/274

Ill. 63: Dressed up for a Benzhu a Procession, Colour Village, 2004 ../275

Ill. 64: Part of a Pilgrimage, Outside Zongyang Ci, 2005 ............./276

Ill. 65: Returning from a Pilgrimage, 2001 .........................../277

Ill. 66: A Side Praying Hall with Mao and Penchang’s Images,

    Mega County, 2004 ............................................/277

Ill. 67: Part of A Pilgrimage: Making Offerings Even after

    the Temple Was Closed, Colour village, 2004 ................../278

Ill. 68: Burning Paper Money at Gua sa na, Cave Village, 2005 ......../278

Ill. 69. Shaping Market, 2001 ......................................../279

Ill. 70: Shaping Market, Peddlers Lining up to Seek Business

    with A Foreign Tourist, 2001 ................................./279

Ill. 71: One-day Tour Package, Tourists Putting on Costume

    to Post A Photo in front of Clip from

    Five Golden Flowers, Butterfly Pond, 2005 ..................../280



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