
Four Intensive Cultivation, Correspondence between Man and the Universe



李根蟠 ,生前任中国社会科学院经济研究所研究员,中国社会科学院研究生院教授、博士生导师,《中国经济史研究》创刊编辑部主任、主编,中国农史学会副会长,中国经济史学会古代专业委员会副会长
纪卫宁 ,青岛农业大学外国语学院副院长。

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Four Intensive Cultivation, Correspondence between Man and the Universe

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  • 1. Intensive Land Utilization Mode
    1. 1) Low yield in large area is inferior to high yield in small area
    2. 2) From the intermittent fallow to farming without idle land and time
    3. 3) The rudiment of stereoscopic agriculture
  • 2. Understanding and Utilizing Timing
    1. 1) “Timing is important” and “Do not miss the right farming season”
    2. 2) Phenology, astrology and the 24 divisions of the Solar Year (Solar terms)
    3. 3) Miraculous artificial microclimate
  • 3. Understanding of Soil and Improvement of Soil Environment
    1. 1) Theory on soil adaptability and theory on soil properties
    2. 2) From “plough-mulch-weed” to “plough-harrow-level-press-hoe”
    3. 3) From “slash-burn-water cultivation” to intensive farming methods
    4. 4) The importance and careful utilization of manure
    5. 5) Land alteration, the Ou Tian and others
  • 4. Adaptation and Improvement of Environment in Animal Production
    1. 1)“No delay” in animal production
    2. 2) The confined raising of livestock and poultry
  • 5. Selective Breeding and Seeds Processing
    1. 1) To cultivate the improved varieties and eliminate the inferior ones
    2. 2) Be good at seed storage and treatment
    3. 3) Artificial asexual reproduction technology
    4. 4) A donkey or a horse? It is both
  • 6. Other Ways to Improve Productivity of Agricultural Organism
    1. 1) Restrain and promote
    2. 2) Combine individuals into a colony and change them from disorder into order
    3. 3) Skillfully change the harm into the beneficial based on the living conditions
  • 7. Agricultural Thoughts with the “Three Laws” Theory as the Core

