
Broadly Advocate Scientific Consumption Concepts



林琳 ,中国社会科学院可持续发展研究中心研究员。

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Broadly Advocate Scientific Consumption Concepts

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  • Section A Basic Theories of Market Economic System
    1. 1 Basic Meanings of Scientific Consumption Concepts
      1. 1.1 The Appropriateness of Consumption
      2. 1.2 The Healthiness of Consumption
      3. 1.3 The Sustainability of Consumption
      4. 1.4 The Relativity of Consumption Standards
    2. 2 Elements Influencing the Realization of Scientific Consumption
      1. 2.1 From the Perspective of Consumption Entities
      2. 2.2 From the Perspective of the Producer
      3. 2.3 Limitations of the Development of Science & Technology and Economy
    3. 3 The Main Content of Scientific Consumption
      1. 3.1 Circular Consumption
      2. 3.2 Green Consumption
  • Section B Circular Consumption
    1. 1 Analysis of the Forming and Paths of Circular Consumption
    2. 2 The Train of Thought for Promoting Circular Consumption
      1. 2.1 Create Good Social Environment
      2. 2.2 Construct Secondary Trading Platform
      3. 2.3 Develop Reverse Logistics
      4. 2.4 Promote the Development of Recycling and Reusing Enterprises
  • Section C Green Consumption
    1. 1 Analysis of Blocking Factors to Green Consumption in China
      1. 1.1 Obstacles in the Market Demand
      2. 1.2 Obstacles in Consciousness
      3. 1.3 Price as an Obstacle
      4. 1.4 Obstacles in Production
      5. 1.5 Obstacles in the Consuming Environment
      6. 1.6 Obstacles for the Ability
      7. 1.7 Outer Obstacles
    2. 2 The State, Enterprises, Consumers and the Consumers’ Association Cooperate to Solve Problems of Green Consumption
      1. 2.1 From the Perspective of the State
      2. 2.2 From the Perspective of Enterprises
      3. 2.3 From the Perspective of Consumers
      4. 2.4 From the Perspective of Consumers’ Association
    3. 3 Build Policy System Promoting Green Consumption
      1. 3.1 Build Multilevel Legal Frame
      2. 3.2 Make Green Purchasing Policies
      3. 3.3 Ecological Taxation
      4. 3.4 Encourage New Energy Consumption with Subsidies
      5. 3.5 Widely Publicize the Policy of Green Consumption
      6. 3.6 Promote Green Design
      7. 3.7 Establish the Responsibility System of Products
      8. 3.8 Promote the Policy of Industrialization of Package Recycling and Garbage Sorting
      9. 3.9 Establish Policies Aiming at Consumers
      10. 3.10 Prevent Over-marketization
      11. 3.11 Improve Related Policies of Finance and Taxation
      12. 3.12 Vigorously Improve the Green Design Ability
      13. 3.13 Accelerate the Development of Venous Industry in China

