
The Economic Development of the Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone(ZAEZ)and Its Impact on Henan Regional Innovation and Development



魏一明 ,河南省社会科学院党委书记,《中原文化研究》杂志社主编。
张占仓 ,河南省人民政府参事,河南省社会科学院原院长、研究员。研究方向:区域经济学。
周立 ,河南省社会科学院党委副书记、研究员。河南省科技文化研究会常务理事、中国生态经济学会理事、华北水利水电大学硕士研究生导师。长期从事决策咨询研究和社科研究工作,主要研究领域为农村经济、区域经济和科技创新等。先后获得河南省科技进步奖、河南省发展研究奖(河南省实用社会科学研究成果奖)、中国发展研究奖等省部级及以上科研奖励20多项,其中省级一等奖5项;先后发表与出版论著100多篇(部),完成包括河南省社会科学规划项目、河南省软科学计划项目、河南省政府决策研究招标课题和河南省政府责任目标课题等重大研究项目150多项;承担完成省委、省政府领导交办的重大调研课题30多项,有多项研究成果提交省委、省政府后得到省领导的批示并被省委、省政府在决策时采纳,产生了良好的经济与社会效益。
袁凯声 ,硕士生导师、研究员。现任河南省社会科学界联合会党组成员、副主席,一级巡视员。全国近代文学研究会常务理事。曾任河南省社会科学院党委委员、副院长。主要从事中国近现代文学和文化史研究。先后发表学术文章70余篇,出版著作7部,承担多项国家社科基金和部级项目。其关于近现代文学的比较研究、近现代文学流派思潮研究以及现代文学的文化学研究在专业领域有一定影响力。

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The Economic Development of the Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone(ZAEZ)and Its Impact on Henan Regional Innovation and Development

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  • Ⅰ.The Characteristics of Airport Economy
    1. 1.Airport Economy as A Kind of “Speed Economy”
    2. 2.The Airport Economy as an International Efficient Economy
    3. 3.The Airport Economy as Leading Factor in Global Economic Integration
    4. 4.How Airport Economy Promotes the Connectivity of the Global Market
    5. 5.How the Airport Economy Promotes the Rapid Development of International Tourism
    6. 6.How Airport Economy Promotes the Communication and Integration of Chinese and Western Cultures
  • Ⅱ.How Airport Economy Leads to Regional Economic Development
    1. 1.How the Airport Economy Changes the Regional Elements Endowment of Region Development at the Micro Scale
    2. 2.Realizing the Connection between the Airport Economy and Regional Development in the Medium Scale
    3. 3.How the Airport Economy Promotes the Growth of Regional Tax Revenues and Employment at the Macro Scale
  • Ⅲ.The Major Achievements of the ZAEZ
    1. 1.The Rapid Growth of Economic Output
    2. 2.The Rapid Construction of the International Aviation Hub
    3. 3.The Remarkable Development of Airport-related Industries
    4. 4.Initial Establishment of An Inland Open Center
  • Ⅳ.The Driving Effects of the ZAEZ on Henan Development
    1. 1.The Driving Effect on Comprehensively Deepening System Reform
    2. 2.The Driving Effect on Balanced Development of Industrialization,Informatization,Urbanization,Agriculture Modernization and “Greenization”
    3. 3.The Driving Effect of “One Carrier and Four Systems”
    4. 4.The Driving Effect of “Prosperous Henan,Civilized Henan,Safe Henan,Beautiful Henan” Construction
    5. 5.The Driving Effect on Supply-side Structural Reform
    6. 6.The Driving Effect on the Integration of Airport-related Resources in Henan
  • Ⅴ.Preliminary Conclusions
    1. 1.Structural Supply-side Reform is Needed in Order to Accelerate Development and Integration of An Internationally Advanced Airport Economy
    2. 2.The Promise of the Airport Economy under the “One Belt,One Road” Initiative
    3. 3.Zhengzhou Airport Economic Development Promotes the Innovation of Regional Development Modes
    4. 4.Zhengzhou Airport Economy Development Shows us the Trend of Future Regional Development with Four Characteristics

