
Regulation of Administrative Law Enforcement and Human Rights Protection



李君如 ,男,研究员,博士生导师,中国人权研究会第四届理事会副会长,中共中央党校原副校长,第十届全国政协委员、第十一届全国政协常委,国务院政府特殊津贴享受者。曾发表《中国在人权事业上的历史性进步》《人权实现及其评估方法研究》《社会建设与人权事业》《“十二五”规划与中国人权事业发展》《中国的文化变革与人权事业的进步》《中国梦,中国人民的人权梦》《在全面推进法治中全面保障人权》等学术论文,曾获联合国艾滋病规划署颁发的“艾滋病防治特殊贡献奖”。

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Regulation of Administrative Law Enforcement and Human Rights Protection

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  • I New Measures of the Central Government for Regulating Administrative Law Enforcement
    1. 1. Standardization of the process of administrative law enforcement
    2. 2. Informatization of administrative law enforcement process
    3. 3. Professionalization of administrative law enforcement teams
  • II New Progress of Local Governments in Regulating Administrative Law Enforcement
  • III Problems and Challenges in Administrative Law Enforcement in China
    1. 1. Problems in the process of administrative law enforcement in China
    2. 2. Challenges in the regulation of administrative law enforcement behaviors
  • IV Main Countermeasures and Steps for Regulating Administrative Law Enforcement
    1. 1. Reforming and improving the system of administrative law enforcement
    2. 2. Perfecting the management system of administrative law enforcement officers
    3. 3. Perfecting the procedures and mechanism of administrative law enforcement
    4. 4. Comprehensively implementing the responsibility system of administrative law enforcement
    5. 5. Changing working methods and understanding of law enforcement

