
Appendix Ⅰ Academic Synthesis of National Cultural Development



李小牧 ,首都经济贸易大学副校长、经济学院教授,中宣部对外文化交流(文化贸易)研究基地首席专家,国家社会科学基金重大项目首席专家,中国国际贸易学会副会长兼服务贸易专业委员会主任。先后主持完成国家社会科学基金重大项目、教育部人文社会科学研究规划项目及北京市哲学社会科学规划重大项目等近20项。主编“服务贸易蓝皮书”“文化贸易蓝皮书”,出版专著《欧元:区域货币一体化的矛盾与挑战》等近10部,发表学术论文《文化保税区:新形势下的实践与理论探索》等30余篇。
朱克宁 ,中国演出行业协会会长、国家艺术基金评审专家,曾任原中国文化部文化市场司处长、原中国文化部文化市场发展中心主任。
李嘉珊 ,教授,北京第二外国语学院国家文化发展国际战略研究院、中国服务贸易研究院常务副院长,中央宣传部对外文化交流(文化贸易)研究基地秘书长,文化和旅游部文化和旅游研究基地首席专家,首都国际服务贸易与文化贸易研究基地首席专家。主持并完成国家级、省部级研究项目20余项,咨政成果多被采纳。著有《国际文化贸易论》《数字创意产业全球价值链研究》等学术著作,主编“一带一路”沿线主要国家文化市场研究系列丛书,发表学术论文《“一带一路”倡议背景下中国对外文化投资的机遇与挑战》等30余篇。
潘燕 ,中国演出行业协会秘书长。

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Appendix Ⅰ Academic Synthesis of National Cultural Development

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  • 1. Brief Introduction
  • 2. Main Work Contents and Results
    1. 2.1 Explorer and Architect of Theory on “Culture Going Global”
    2. 2.2 Pioneer of “Culture Going Global”
    3. 2.3 Advisor and Promoter of Governments’ Decisions
    4. 2.4 Director of Innovative Cultivation of Talents
      1. 2.4.1 Establishment of Cross-subject Master Project on International Cultural Trade
      2. 2.4.2 Co-education Model that Leads the World
      3. 2.4.3 Education with Policy Makers, Industry Participants, Scholars and Researchers
      4. 2.4.4 A New Normal for the Education of Cultural Trade Talents
    5. 2.5 Escorting the Inheritance and Development of Cultural Heritage
      1. 2.5.1 Co-establishment of “International Research Center for Jingju Heritage”
      2. 2.5.2 Clarifying the English Translation of Jingju, Setting up a Brand for International Cultural Trade
      3. 2.5.3 Compiling One Hundred Classics in Different Languages for Inheritance and Promotion
      4. 2.5.4 Establishing Platform for Cultural inheritance and for international promotion of Jingju
      5. 2.5.5 Organizing High-end Forum for the Expansion of Jingju Market at Home and Abroad
    6. 2.6 The Advocate and Provider of Industrial Trade Promotion
      1. 2.6.1 Establishment of Trust Platform for Cultural Enterprises
      2. 2.6.2 Provider of Intellectual Training for Cultural Enterprises
  • 3. To the Future

