
Third-Party Evaluation Report on “Intelligent Execution” of Chinese Courts (2018)



陈甦 ,中国社会科学院学部委员,中国社会科学院法学研究所研究员、博士生导师。曾任中国社会科学院法学研究所、国际法研究所联合党委书记,法学研究所所长,现为《法学研究》主编。学术兼职为中国法学会副会长、中国法学会商法学研究会副会长、中国市场监督管理学会副会长等。长期从事民商法研究,主要研究方向为公司法、证券法、票据法、物权法等。在《法学研究》《中国法学》等核心期刊上发表论文70余篇,主编有《新中国法学研究70年》《民法总则评注》等著作10余种。
田禾 ,中国社会科学院国家法治指数研究中心主任、法学研究所研究员,中国社会科学院大学法学院特聘教授。兼任最高人民法院信息化专家咨询委员会委员、最高人民法院执行特约咨询专家。全国先进工作者,享受国务院政府特殊津贴。主要研究领域:刑事法治、实证法学、司法制度、亚洲法。

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Third-Party Evaluation Report on “Intelligent Execution” of Chinese Courts (2018)

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  • I Major Changes in Manner of Management of Executions
    1. (I)Management of Executive Process Nodes
    2. (II)Supervision of Entrusted Platform for Matters
    3. (III)Final Case System Management
    4. (IV)Management for Petition Case Executive System
    5. (V)Promoting Execution of “One Case,One Account”
    6. (VI)Management of System for Public Opinion on Executions
    7. (VII)Establishment of Internet Platform for Emergency Dispatch Services
  • II Profound Changes in Mode of Property Execution
    1. (I)Continued Improvement of Functions of the System of Inquiry and Control
    2. (II)Establishment of the System of Evaluation of Inquiries
    3. (III)Full Development of Online Judicial Auctions
  • III Increasing Importance of the Role of the Disciplinary System Against Dishonesty
  • IV Further Deepening Construction of Intelligent Executions
    1. (I)Intelligent Start of Executions
    2. (II)Automatic Generation of Executive Documents
    3. (III)“WeChat-Execution” on Mobile Terminals
  • V Significant Improvement of Publicity Effect of “Internet +”
    1. (I)Accurate Notification of Process Nodes
    2. (II)Posting Full Text of the Executive Documents Online
    3. (III)Webcasts for Typical Cases
  • VI Problems of and Prospects for “Intelligent Executions”
    1. (I)Establishing Service Standards for Building up Information
    2. (II)Continuing to Improve the National Network System for Inquiry and Control
    3. (III)Adapting to the System for Management of Innovation for Development of Information Technology
    4. (IV)Improving Accuracy of Executions with Strategy of Big Data
    5. (V)Relying on Informatization to Establish Mechanisms for Long-term Executions
