
The Relationship between China and Pacific Island Countries in the New Era



王灵桂 ,国务院港澳事务办公室副主任、党组成员,中国社会科学院原副院长、研究员。
赵江林 ,中国社会科学院国家高端智库研究员,研究方向为国际经济关系。

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The Relationship between China and Pacific Island Countries in the New Era

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  • 1 A new era for bilateral relations
    1. 1.1 Two dimensions for observing bilateral ties
    2. 1.2 New orientation of Pacific island countries in China’s diplomacy
    3. 1.3 New progress in bilateral cooperation mechanism
  • 2 New opportunities for bilateral relations
    1. 2.1 A new stage for strategic synergy
    2. 2.2 New space for expanded trade cooperation
    3. 2.3 New areas for investment cooperation
    4. 2.4 A new platform for financial cooperation
    5. 2.5 New supports for people-to-people exchange
  • 3 New challenges to bilateral relations
    1. 3.1 On the country level:Changed economic and social development conditions
    2. 3.2 On the regional level:Increased precaution of some big countries in the Pacific islands region against China
    3. 3.3 On the global level:Increased challenges and problems in new fields
  • 4 Prospects for bilateral ties
